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I often help in your communication by "translating." Many conflicts are due to
the misunderstanding of emotional content.

If you’re busy creating a checklist of things to accomplish, you’re living in the future, not the present

Social responsibility means that individuals and companies have a duty to act in the best interests of their environment and society as a whole

No student can accept the feeling of failure. At this point, the primary aim is to create a change by raising awareness about the thoughts and behaviors created for the denial of the feeling of failure, together with the determination of the cause of the failure.. In Education Consultancy, Family, school meetings, Performance enhancement with therapy Motivation and ego strengthening…
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I often help in your communication by "translating." Many conflicts are due to the misunderstanding of emotional content.

No student can accept the feeling of failure. At this point, the primary aim is to create a change by raising awareness about the thoughts and behaviors created for the denial of the feeling of failure, together with the determination of the cause of the failure.. In Education Consultancy, Family, school meetings, Performance enhancement with therapy Motivation and ego strengthening…

During childhood and adolescence; Psychotherapy is the support process provided to reduce or eliminate psychological disorders experienced, to end conflicts with families and social environment, to develop family and friend relationships, to gain self-confidence and problem-solving skills, and to prevent the transfer of stress and findings to adulthood. Psychotherapy is a treatment in which various intervention techniques are used and…