No student can accept the feeling of failure. At this point, the primary aim is to create a change by raising awareness about the thoughts and behaviors created for the denial of the feeling of failure, together with the determination of the cause of the failure.. 

In Education Consultancy, 

Family, school meetings,

Performance enhancement with therapy

Motivation and ego strengthening exercises with coaching methods

For The Students, 

Ensuring school and course success Study methods

Learning goal setting and goal attainment strategies

Time and energy management

Overcoming motivation and concentration problems

Stress management

Success in exams

Coping with exam anxiety

Removing learning biases

Reprocessing of previous negative records

Developing self-confidence


Reinforcing belief and providing motivation with reminder images Processing the future template

Field  selection

Eliminating unwillingness to do homework and ensuring stability

Coping with not wanting to go to school

Identification of interests and abilities and professional orientation


Study to develop skills to use performance at the highest level during preparation for exams